With its paper-based processes, Jersey Community Hospital faced various inefficiencies. Manual data entries put pressure on the staff and delayed care coordination. Longer check-in and varying wait times increased patient dissatisfaction.

After using CheckinAsyst, the multi-specialty practice saw improvements beyond just digitizing intake – be it managing intake with limited staff, improving quality measures, and boosting patient satisfaction. Download now to read about JCH’s digital transformation:

  • Managed patient intake without rehiring 2 FTEs who were lost due to attrition
  • Reached the Top 25% of CG-CAHPS through process improvements
  • Minimized check-in time to less than 1 minute for pre-registered patients
  • Increased compliance rate for PHQ-9 forms from 40% to 86%
  • Reduced no-show rates to below 3% with appointment reminders

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